miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Working words

This exercise lets you review some of the more common uses of 'grammar'-type words
(prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, etc) in context. Use one word to complete
each gap in the sentences. In some cases, there may be more than one alternative answer, but
you should just give one of them.

1. I'm afraid __________ say you have absolutely __________ chance __________ passing the exam.
2. A few years __________, people __________ to write letters to each other. __________ days, it's all emails and text messages.
3. You can't leave early, __________ if you promise to work late tomorrow.
4. __________ 1999 and 2003, the book sold __________ a million copies.
5. One or two of my friends live abroad, but _________ of them live __________ my home.
6. Please __________ quiet. I'm trying to concentrate __________ my project.
7. __________ it rains tomorrow, we can go __________ a picnic.
8. We wanted to see the exhibition __________ the art gallery, but __________ how many other people __________ be there, we decided to give it a miss.
9. In __________ of missing most of his lessons, he __________ to pass the exam.
10. Teachers are __________ capable of making mistakes as __________ else.
11. I adore spicy food. __________ is the reason I'm so keen __________ Mexican cooking.
12. Jan Kelly, a teacher __________ works at St Clare's in Oxford, has __________ been given a 'Teacher of the Year' award.
13. He approached his English lessons __________ enthusiasm, and __________ excellent progress as a result.
14. His sudden change of heart took everyone __________ surprise, since previously he __________ been very interested in the project.
15. He spent the second half of his life living in __________ remote village of Hogstail Common,
__________ he wrote most of his novels.
16. Some people try to __________ up cigarettes by smoking __________ they feel sick, or by limiting themselves to one or __________ a day, but __________ methods are not very effective.
17. My English school, __________ is near the centre of town, is __________ of the best schools in the __________ country.
18. There were at __________ sixty people in the room, which was far __________ than the organisers expected, and __________ there were only 20 chairs, most of us __________ to stand.
19. In most respects he was a normal child, but __________ made him different __________ everybody __________ was his enthusiasm for solving complex mathematical puzzles.

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