miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

The arts

Look at the definitions and jumbled letters in bold below. Rearrange the letters so that they
make words connected with the arts (visual arts, performing arts, literature, etc) and write
these in their correct space on the grid. If you do this correctly, you will reveal a word in the shaded vertical strip which means 'public show'

1. A live show with music, in which the words are sung and not spoken. Mozart's 'Marriage of Figaro' is a famous example. paore
2. A long story, with imaginary characters and plot. 'Oliver Twist' is a famous example by Charles Dickens. venlo
3. A painting or photograph of a person. taprrito
4. North Americans say 'movie', British people say… mlfi
5. Taking pictures on a sensitive film with a camera. hoopyahtgrp
6. Something which you cannot forget easily (some songs, for example). remeoblma
7. North Americans go to the ‘movie theater’, British people go to the… animce
8. The area in a theatre where a play takes place. egast
9. A new way of doing something (a piece of dance, or some music, for example). aninevovti
10. A programme of live music, played in public. rtoccne
11. Modern (often used to talk about art or dance). opacntorryme

Instructions as before. The word in the shaded vertical strip is a general word for any book,
newspaper or magazine which has been published.

1. A figure carved out of stone, wood, etc, or made out of metal. Michelangelo's 'David' is a famous example. usecluptr
2. People who watch a football match are called spectators. People who watch a film, play, etc are
called the… danuciee
3. A collection of songs on a CD, cassette, etc. mubal
4. A type of dance where dancers perform a story to music. Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake' is a famous example. tablel
5. A collection of well-known works put together in one volume (often used for songs by rock groups, or short stories by one or more authors). aimconpliot
6. A painting or photograph of a country scene. dpacansel
7. Paintings, designs, etc, which contain shapes or images that do not look like people or objects.
tatscabr rat
8. The person in charge of making a film or a play. tirerdco
9. A person who paints, draws, etc. titars
10. The person who directs an orchestra. orduccont
11. The music used in a film. acsuntrkod

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