viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

Phrasal Verbs with 'Get'

Match the numbered sentences  with the lettered ones. Use the phrasal verbs in bold to help you.

1. I'm trying to get across to the people in the office that they'll all have to work harder.
2. He was rude to the teacher, but got away with it somehow.
3. How are you going to get by without a car?
4. We get by on only £50 a week.
5. He'll have to get down to some hard work if he wants to pass the test.
6. They don't get on well at all.
7. She's getting on well at university.
8. I want an excuse to get out of going to the office party.
9. Kiki's got over her flu.
10. She never got over the death of her father.
11. I only got round to sending my Christmas cards yesterday.
12. Jane got round the boss by giving him a bottle of wine.
13. Did he get through his exams?
14. I tried to get through to the complaints department, but the line was busy.
15. Whatever did you get up to last night?
16. She thinks she's being got at.

A. Really? How do you manage to live on that?
B. No. Her mother never recovered from the shock either.
C. She always thinks she's being criticized.
D. He needs someone to tell him to start working.
E. Well, they've never been very friendly with each other.
F. That's great. I'm glad she's better at last.
G. Nothing naughty, I promise.
H. Oh well, at least you've done it at last.
I. Have you had any luck making them understand?
J. She always manages to persuade someone to do what she wants.
K. Yes, in fact he was very successful.
L. Did you finally manage to speak to someone on the phone?
M. I don't believe he wasn't punished!
N. It'll be difficult, but I'll manage.
O. I always knew she'd do well.
P. Typical! You're always trying to avoid doing something!

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