miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


Look at the sentences below and fill in the gaps using the appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.

1. What did you ________ your mother for her birthday?
A. purchase B. buy C. acquire
2. Why do we __________ so much money on food?
A. spend B. buy C. sell
3. I'll ________ you a pound to wash my car.
A. spend B. charge C. pay
4. Did you ________ the shoes in the shop before you bought them?
A. put on B. wear C. try on
5. Shop assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes please. I'm __________ the soft furnishings department.
A. looking for B. wanting C. hunting for
6. If the trousers are too small you can take them back and ________ them for a larger pair.
A. sell back B. exchange C. replace
7. (Angry customer to shop manager). I'd like to __________ about one of your members of staff.
A. moan B. groan C. complain
8. She __________ her shopping at Mafebury's every Monday.
A. makes B. does C. goes
9. One of the advantages of shopping there is that their ________ are so low.
A. prices B. expenses C. costs

Where are they? Look at the numbered sentence and decide where the speaker is. Choose
from the lettered list of shops .

1. I'd like twelve red roses please.
2. How much is that silver bracelet?
3. I need a packet of envelopes and some writing paper please.
4. Do you have any photography magazines?
5. Is this cabinet 17th or 18th century?
6. Take the escalator to get to menswear.
7. Have you got anything for a sore throat?
8. Do you have the latest album by Coldplay?

A. a record shop
B. a department store
C. a florist's
D. a stationer's
E. a chemist
F. a jeweller's
G. an antiques shop
H. a newsagent's

Check your spelling.

One word in each of the following sentences is incorrectly spelt, or a wrong word has been used. Use your dictionary to help you correct them.

1. I'd like my money back. I'd like a refound.
2. £35 for a new television. What a bargein!
3. It usually costs £150, but I got it for £75 in the sails.
4. I don't like to buy things by male order - you never know exactly what you're going to get.
5. Don't forget to get a reciept from the sales assistant in case you need to return it to the store.
6. The lapel on the jacket says 'Wash in cold water only'.
7. I'm afraid your cashear has overcharged me.
8. If I pay in cash, can you give me a disscount?
9. I brought a new stereo system yesterday. It cost me almost £600.
10. I'm not going to that shop again; I think they treat their costumers very badly.
11. The serving in this shop is so slow. I've been waiting for almost fifteen minutes.
12. It's quite a good idea to buy some things in bulk, as it's more economic.

Look at the following sentences and decide whether the words and expressions in bold refer
to a small amount of money or a large amount of money. Use your dictionary to help you.

1. The shoes in that shop cost a fortune.
2. That car was a rip-off!
3. He paid through the nose for his ticket to Hong Kong.
4. Our local petrol station sells cut-price petrol.
5. The repairs to his car cost him an arm and a leg.
6. She bought it for a song in a flea market.

Now look at these sentences and decide if they are true or false:

1. If something is selling like hot cakes, not many people are buying it.
2. You spend a lot of money when you go window-shopping.
3. It's a good idea to shop around for the best price before you buy something expensive.
4. If you buy clothes off the peg, you have them specially made for you.
5. If you talk shop, you discuss your favourite shop with a friend.
6. A body shop is a shop which arranges funerals.

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