viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

Verbs to nouns

A lot of verbs can be changed to nouns by the addition of a suffix (e.g., perform -
performance, arrange - arrangement, fail - failure, etc), or by changing other features of the
word (e.g., prove - proof, be born - birth, etc).
In many cases, these nouns are abstract. This means that we cannot usually touch, see, feel,
hear or smell them.
Look at these sentences, and complete the crossword puzzle with a noun form of the verb at
the end of each sentence. Make sure that you use the correct suffix or make other necessary

Clues across
2. His parents had great _____ for the future, but were ultimately disappointed. (expect)
4. I need your _____ on this sheet of paper. (sign)
6. We had a terrible _____, but we quickly made it up. (argue)
7. Because of the baggage handlers strike at the airport, there were several flight _____. (cancel)
11.My brother is a _____ expert, and runs courses for people who want to go to remote places like the Sahara Desert. (survive) (not survivor)
12.Thanks to you, the party was a complete _____. (succeed)
13.I didn't have the right _____ for the job. (qualify)
14.Listen carefully, everyone. I've got an important _____ to make. (announce)
15.There have been several major _____ in the field of information technology. (develop)
18.I'm afraid I can't give you _____ to leave. (permit)
19.Her sudden _____ shocked everyone. (die)
20.The _____ of the flight was delayed by bad weather. (depart)
21.When he looked at the liquid under a microscope, he made a shocking _____. (discover).
22.It's entirely your _____ whether you come or not. (choose)

Clues down
1. Non-attendance at lessons will result in the _____ of your student visa. (lose)
3. If the work isn't done to my _____, you'll be fired. (satisfy)
5. His sudden _____ surprised everyone. (arrive)
8. The children were jumping up and down with _____. (excite)
9. The conference was a disaster because of poor _____. (organise)
10. He looked at me in _____. (astonish)
16. The sound of his _____ could be heard on the top floor. (laugh)
17. Our plan was a _____; it just didn't work. (fail)

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