viernes, 2 de enero de 2009


There are eleven words in this passage which are spelt incorrectly. Can you find and correct them?

Apart from condemming tobacco companies and rising the price of cigarettes, the goverment's antismoking campain has failed to have any long-term affects, and the only people bennefitting from it are the Inland Revenue departement. Meanwhile, the National Health Service says it may refuse to treat persistant smokers. Of course, this hasn't prevented the big tobbaco companys spending vast amounts of money on advertiseing.

Instructions as above

It is argueable whether good pronounciation is more important than good grammer and vocabulery. Consientious students balance their aquisition of these skills, hopeing to acheive both fluency and accuracey. Teachers should encourage there students to practice all the relevant language skills.

Instructions as above

It is becomming increasingly difficcult for many people to find decent accomodation in London at a price they can afford. To put it simpley, most people just don't have the necesary funds. Organiseations such as Home Front can offer advise, but it widely agreed that the situation is no longer managable.
The fact that city councils are building cheap, tempory housing for lower-paid profesionals is the only official acknowledgment of this problem.

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