miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

The weather & natural phenomena


Use your dictionary to check the meanings of the nouns and adjectives in bold in the text, then use the words in the box to complete the text.

mist • frost • sleet • rain • hail • wind • fog
smog • snow • blizzard • lightning • thunder

Listen to the pouring (1)______ outside, and the roar of the (2)______ as it blows through the trees.

Listen to the clatter of icy (3)______ on the window and the crashing of the (4)______, while (5)______ flashes across the sky. See the thick, grey (6)______ and the thin, grey, wet (7)______ . Smell the dirty, bitter, yellow-grey (8)______ in the city. Feel the crunch of (9)______ under your feet as you walk on the icy grass, and shake the freezing, wet (10)______ and (11)______ from your hair as the howling (12)______ turns the world to white.

Look at the words below and decide which definition, A, B or C, best describes each one. Then
check your answers in your dictionary.

1. hurricane
(A) a storm over high mountains, usually accompanied by snow.
(B) a tropical storm with strong winds and rain.
(C) a very quick, but very heavy, rain shower.

2. tornado
(A) a long, heavy snow shower, accompanied by strong winds.
(B) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry.
(C) a violent storm with a whirlwind.

3. volcano
(A) a violent shaking of the earth's surface.
(B) a strong wind caused by a drop in air pressure.
(C) a mountain with a hole in the top through which lava, ash and gas can come out.

4. drought
(A) a storm, usually without rain, which happens in hot countries.
(B) a very long period of rain.
(C) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry.

5. flood
(A) a large amount of water over land which is usually dry.
(B) a large area of dry land which should usually be wet (e.g., a dry lake).
(C) a lake or river which has been poisoned by pollution.

6. earthquake
(A) a long, heavy snow shower, accompanied by strong winds.
(B) a shaking of the earth caused by, for example, volcanic activity.
(C) a large area of dry land which should usually be wet.

7. tsunami
(A) a tropical storm with strong winds and rain.
(B) a huge wave in the sea, caused by an underwater earthquake.
(C) a long period when there is no rain and when the land is dry.

Complete the table below to show the verbs and adjectives which we use for the nouns in the
left-hand column.

Replace the words and expressions in bold with a suitable word or expression from the box.

under a cloud • bucketing down • weather • boiling • steals my thunder
every cloud has a silver lining • on cloud nine • storm in a teacup
under the weather • cats and dogs • downpour • heavy weather of it

1. It's raining a lot.
2. It's pouring with rain.
3. It's very hot in our office at the moment.
4. We could ask him to sort out the invoices, but he'll make it unnecessarily difficult and complicated.
5. Jan's feeling unwell.
6. There was a sudden heavy fall of rain and all the spectators ran inside.
7. I don't know if we can survive this crisis without any extra cash ( cash, def 1).
8. However gloomy things may seem, there is always some aspect which is good.
9. They were very happy when they won the lottery.
10. Ben was under suspicion for a long time after the thefts were discovered.
11. Whenever I have a great idea, Penny spoils it by doing it first and getting all the credit.
12. Sarah thought it was important, but in fact it was a lot of fuss about something which was very trivial.

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