miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

24 Hours

Look at the sentences below and fill in the gaps using the appropriate word or expression
from A, B or C.

1. My alarm clock __________ at half past six.

A. goes up B. goes out C. goes off
2. I usually lie in bed listening to the radio after I _______.
A. awake up B. wake up C. woken up
3. I always find it quite difficult to ________ in the morning.
A. get into B. get over C. get up
4. I have a shower and ________ my teeth.
A. brush B. comb C. sweep
5. When I get dressed, the first thing I ________ is my shirt.
A. put on B. wear C. try on
6. After breakfast, I ________ to the bus stop.
A. speedy B. quickly C. hurry
7. After work, I ________ the children from school.
A. pick up B. pick out C. pick on
8. Just before I go to bed, I _____ the cat _____.
A. put...off B. put...out C. put...up
9. The last thing I do before I go to bed is ________ the alarm clock.
A. prime B. set C. prepare


Below you will see a list of things we use or wear at home or at work. Put them into the box where we use / wear them most often.

shaver • briefcase • pyjamas • ring binder • nightie • iron
tumble drier • ironing board • kettle • computer • refrigerator
vacuum cleaner • fax • hair dryer • dishwasher
filing cabinet • hairbrush • microwave oven • suit • internet
slippers • file • dressing gown • business card • apron

Things we use / wear at home:

Things we use / wear at work:

Now complete the sentences using one of the words above.

1. You can contact me by phone or ________ if you want.
2. I never clean the silver in the ________; it would ruin it.
3. I bought two pairs of _______ in the sale.
4. Each bathroom in the hotel is equipped with a ________ .
5. He put all the files into his ________ .
6. Post it to me, or send a ________ .
7. I've just put the ________ on so we can all have a cup of tea.
8. Put the dish in the ________ for three minutes, but make sure the food is piping hot
before you eat it.

Match the numbered words and expressions in bold with their lettered definition .

1. Sarah staggered into work at ten o'clock, bleary-eyed.
2. I can't wait until Saturday comes. Then I can have a lie-in.
3. After his 12-mile walk, he slept like a log.
4. The doctor told him to take things easy after his operation.
5. His taxi was stuck in the rush-hour traffic.
6. Mary works the night shift.
7. She comes home every evening, worn out after a busy day at the office.
8. Jessie's a night owl and as a result finds it difficult to get up in time for work.
9. We only go to the theatre once in a blue moon.
10. I had to get up at some unearthly hour to catch the plane to Milan.
11. If we want to miss the traffic, we must set off at the crack of dawn.
12. He's an early bird.
13. I was so weary, I dropped off in my English lesson.

A. Much too early.
B. The time of day when traffic is bad, trains are full, etc.
C. Very tired.
D. To stay in bed longer than usual.
E. As soon as it starts to get light.
F. Someone who likes to work, eat, etc, until late at night and does not get up early in the
G. Someone who likes to get up early and work before breakfast, and who does not stay up
late at night.
H. Very rarely.
I. Sleep very soundly.
J. With eyes half closed from lack of sleep.
K. Work during the night.
L. To rest, not to do any hard work.
M. Fell asleep (usually unintentionally)

The sentences below all use expressions with the word ‘time’. Unfortunately, the
expressions are all in the wrong sentences. Rearrange them so that they are in the correct

1. Don't hurry me. I like to time after time.
2. Bring back your boat; your in time.
3. Pressed for time I think he's quite mad.
4. They drove fast and got to the station just for the time being to catch the train.
5. She's never at times for meetings.
6. He's very old-fashioned; he's time's up.
7. I've told her waste time not to do it, but she never listens to me.
8. Don't take my time putting your shoes on; just go and answer the door in your bare feet.
9. We're in a hurry; we're a bit behind the times.
10.On time I'm staying at my mother's while I'm waiting for my flat to be redecorated.

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