miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


A LOVE STORY: part 1
Complete the first part of the story below using the words and expressions in the box.

tie the knot • split up • engagement • got engaged                                           courting • living in sin • got on • wined and dined                                           attracted to • proposed • chatted her up • fallen in love                                 asked her out • drift apart • cohabiting • go out

Laurence first met Carol at a party and was immediately 1.___________ her. He 2.___________ and at the end of the evening 3___________ to dinner at a nearby restaurant. She accepted his offer and the next evening he 4.___________ her in style, with champagne and delicious, exotic foods. They 5.___________ well with each other, decided to meet again and then started to 6.___________ on a regular basis.
Laurence's granny was delighted that he was 7.___________ at last. It wasn't long before they realised that they had 8.___________ with each other.
A few months later, they bought a flat and moved in together. Laurence's granny disapproved of them 9.___________, but Laurence explained that 10.___________ was quite normal these days.
One day, Laurence decided to ask Carol to marry him, so after a romantic meal, he got down on one knee and 11.___________ to her. They 12.___________ and the next day announced their 13.___________ to their friends and family. Their parents were delighted that they had decided to 14.___________.
Laurence's friends weren't so sure, however, and all agreed that they would 15.___________ and 16.___________ long before the wedding.

 A LOVE STORY: part 2

Read the second part of the story and choose the correct word for each number.

A week or so before the wedding, Laurence went out on a 1.stag night / bull night / lion night with his male friends, while Carol enjoyed her 2.chicken party / duck party / hen party with her female friends.
At last, the big day arrived. Laurence and Carol had wanted to get married in a 3. registered office / registry office / regimental office, but their parents insisted on a traditional church wedding. The church was packed, friends and family of the 4. bride / bright / blight on the left, friends and family of the 5. gloom / groom / doom on the right. Laurence sat nervously at the front with his 6. beast man / bent man / best man, who was carrying the 7. wedding rings / wedding rinks / wedding rims in his pocket. The organist started playing the 8. Wedding March / Wedding Crawl / Wedding Stagger and Carol walked up the 9. aisle / I'll / ail, accompanied by her father and followed by the 10. brightmaids / bridesmaids / bride's mates. The priest conducted the ceremony and, after Laurence and Carol had exchanged 11. cows / vows / vowels, pronounced them husband and wife.

Match the words in the box with the definitions 1 - 10

best friend • acquaintance • fiancé / fiancée • housemate • workmate
ex-girlfriend / boyfriend • ex-husband / wife • roommate • classmate
colleague • relative / relation • (steady) girlfriend / boyfriend • flatmate

1. Somebody you are going out with.
2. Somebody you used to go out with.
3. Somebody you used to be married to.
4. Somebody you are going to marry.
5. Somebody you work with (two possible answers)
6. Somebody you share accommodation with (three possible answers)
7. Somebody you know well and get on very well with.
8. Somebody you share lessons at school with.
9. Somebody you know, but not very well.
10. A member of your family.

Match the numbered sentences  with a suitable lettered response. Use your dictionary to
look up the meanings of the words and expressions in bold.

1. They were going to get married, but at the last moment Allison broke it off.
2. I've got lots of friends, but only one real soul mate.
3. How do you get on with your in-laws?
4. Didn't you meet your future wife on a blind date?
5. I'm sorry you and Melanie have split up, but don't worry; there are plenty more fish in
the sea.
6. Don't go out with him; he's a real ladykiller!
7. Sally came to the party with her latest toy boy.
8. Your new secretary is a bit of a flirt, isn't she?
9. Is Meg still on the shelf?
10. Chris and Jo's marriage is on the rocks.
11. How do you get on with your exboyfriend?
12. Are you divorced?

A. Me too. We have similar feelings and get on really well.
B. She certainly is. She likes attracting the attention of all the men in the office.
C. Not yet, but we are separated.
D. Yes. My friends arranged it for me.
E. That's true; I should get out a bit and meet more people.
F. Although we don't go out together any more, we're still good friends.
G. Poor Ian! He must have been really upset.
H. Really? I thought they were getting on so well together.
I. I know. He seems to spend all his time chatting up women.
J. Not well, I'm afraid. They've never forgiven me for marrying their son.
K. No. Haven't you heard? She met the man of her dreams a few weeks ago.
L. I'm not surprised. She's always preferred younger men

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