viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

Phrasal Verbs with 'Run'

Look at the questions in the numbered sentences and match them with a suitable response in the lettered sentences.

1. Why has the clock stopped?
2. Why is Molly in hospital?
3. Why did you come home by bus?
4. Why's Rick looking so depressed?
5. Did the police interview him?
6. Where did you find that beautiful vase?
7. Can you make me a few copies of this leaflet?
8. Have we forgotten to invite anyone to our wedding?
9. You've met Mel Gibson haven't you?
10. Why did the nightclub go out of business?
11. Did your journey go well?
12. Is Bob very ambitious?

A. I ran across it in an antiques shop in London.
B. Yes. He says he's going to run for Prime Minister one day!
C. I'll run them off straight away.
D. Well, let's run through the guest list again to make sure.
E. She was run down by a car on the Banbury Road.
F. They were running up debts of thousands of pounds each week.
G. I think the battery has run down.
H. Not really. We ran up against a few unexpected difficulties.
I. The car ran out of petrol on my way back.
J. Yes. His statement runs over two pages.
K. Penny ran out on him when he lost his job.
L. Yes, and I ran into him again last week in a cafe by the river.

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