miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Character and personality

Match the numbered sentences  with the lettered ones. Use the adjectives in bold to help you.

1. I wish John wouldn't be so critical all the time.
2. Mary is so witty.
3. Chris is such a garrulous person.
4. Sometimes Rick can be really impulsive.
5. Laurence is the most conceited person I know.
6. Mr Kelly is very absent-minded.
7. Jan is so obstinate.
8. Mr. Roberts is extremely reserved.
9. You're not very punctual, are you?
10. Has anyone ever told you how bossy you are?
11. You're so pessimistic!
12. Jenny is optimistic about the future.
13. Brian is usually quite reliable.
14. Claire is very sensitive.
15. June is the most sensible student in the class.
16. My boyfriend is so possessive.
17. My mother is quite open-minded.
18. Jean should try not to be so bigoted.
19. At times, Fiona can be really bitchy.
20. Mark is extremely sociable.

A. I know! He spoke non-stop for two hours on the telephone last night!
B. She made some really nasty remarks about the new secretary.
C. He hates it when I go out with my friends.
D. You can never make her change her mind.
E. You always believe that only bad things will happen.
F. He loves going to parties.
G. After all, nobody's perfect.
H. It's very easy to upset her.
I. You're almost never on time.
J. She always makes good decisions and does the right thing.
K. That's true. She made a very clever and funny speech at her party.
L. Her strong and unreasonable ideas have really upset some people.
M. She's always willing to listen to other people's ideas.
N. He often rushes to do things without thinking of the consequences.
O. Yesterday he went to the library in his slippers!
P. He thinks too much of himself.
Q. I trust him completely.
R. She feels that everything will work out for the best.
S. You're always telling people what to do.

Look at the following list of words and expressions, and decide whether they are positive
( + ) or negative ( - ).

1. a fuddy-duddy + / -
2. a pain in the neck + / -
3. a gossip + / -
4. a troublemaker + / -
5. a slob + / -
6. a layabout + / -
7. a wet blanket + / -
8. a couch potato + / -
9. a brick + / -
10. a golden boy + / -
11. a high-flyer + / -
12. a windbag + / -
13. a busybody + / -
14. the salt of the earth + / -
15. a slave driver + / -
16. an early bird + / -
17. a sponger + / -
18. a bimbo + / -
19. a jerk + / -
20. a moron + / -
21. a stick-in-the-mud + / -
22. the life and soul of the party + / -

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