miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Travel and Holidays

The sentences below describe the different stages of a holiday. Unfortunately, they are in
the wrong order. Rearrange them so that they are in the correct order. The first one has been
done for you. 

(  ) A few weeks later I went to the airport and checked in for my flight.
( 1 ) I picked up some holiday brochures from the travel agency.
(  ) I spent the next two weeks sunbathing on the beach and sightseeing in the local area.
(  ) Three hours later, we landed.
(  ) I picked the holiday I wanted.
(  ) I left the airport and two hours later arrived at my hotel, where I checked in.
(  ) I found my seat and fastened my safety belt.
(  ) The flight took off at 10 o'clock.
(  ) I then booked my holiday.
(  ) It was with a great deal of reluctance that I eventually checked out of the hotel and returned
(  ) All the passengers disembarked.
(  ) I did some shopping in the duty free and then boarded my flight.
(  ) I browsed through the brochures.

Types of holiday. Look at the numbered types of holiday , and match them with the lettered places you think you might stay in . Most have more than one answer.

1. a package holiday
2. a camping holiday
3. a cruise
4. a skiing holiday
5. a safari
6. a walking holiday
7. a sailing holiday
8. a caravanning holiday
9. a sightseeing holiday

A. a tent
B. a hotel
C. a resort
D. a youth hostel
E. a caravan
F. a guesthouse
G. a boat's / ship's cabin
H. a villa / chalet

Look at the sentences below, and fill in the gaps with an appropriate word from the box.

self-catering • single • tour operator • bed and breakfast (B & B)
shoulder bag • passport • travel agency • tour • foreign currency
voyage • excursion • family • trip • journey • full-board
en-suite • terrace • insurance • double • aisle • half-board
boarding card (USA = boarding pass) • reservation • twin
balcony • cheques • all-inclusive • suitcase

1. We're planning a(n) __________ to the seaside at the weekend.
2. The __________ from Southampton to New York by ship took about five days.
3. The best way to see London is by taking a guided __________.
4. Last year they went on a train __________ across China.
5. James is going on a business __________ to Singapore next week.
6. We went to the __________ on the High Street to book our holiday, but they were informed by the __________ that there were no more places left.
7. (At the airport check-in desk) Would you like a seat by the window or one by the ________?
8. Here's your ticket and __________. You're in 33B. It's a no smoking seat.
9. I've just made a list of the things I need to take on holiday with me. First of all I need my __________ so that I can enter the country. I must get __________ in case I have an accident or lose something important. I have to go to the bank to get some __________ and __________. Oh, and of course I need my __________ to carry my clothes and other things. I'll also take a __________ so that I can carry my camera, some books and other bits and pieces.
10. Quattro Vientos Holiday Club offers a variety of accommodation options. If you want a bedroom and something to eat in the morning, they have __________ accommodation. If you prefer to have breakfast and dinner, you can stay on a __________ basis. If you want breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can stay on a __________ basis. They also have rooms with cooking facilities if you want to prepare your own food and stay on a __________ basis. Alternatively, if you want all your meals and drinks included, you can stay on an __________ basis.
11. __________ rooms in the hotel have just one small bed. _________ rooms have two small beds.
__________ rooms have one large bed. __________ rooms have one large bed and two small beds.
Most of the rooms are __________, with their own private bath or shower. All rooms have a
__________ or a __________ with a view of the sea. Telephone 01645 98109 to make a __________.

Match the numbered sentences  with a suitable lettered reply . 

1. Where shall we stay?
2. Can you recommend a good guest house in this area?
3. Last year I went to Australia, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and China.
4. How are we going to get home? We haven't got enough money for a taxi.
5. Last year, we went to one of those resorts where everything - food and drink - is free.
6. You don't have much luggage with you.
7. On my first visit to Indonesia, I found everything so different from England.
8. We left London at 7 o'clock in the morning and didn't arrive in Inverness until 8 in the evening!
9. I love going to busy, lively resorts for my holiday.
10. I spend most of my life travelling, moving from one hotel to the other.

A. Really? I prefer to go somewhere a bit quieter, off the beaten track.
B. Wow! I didn't realise you were such a globetrotter!
C. Poor you! You spent a whole day on the road.
D. Let's stop at the first hotel we find.
E. I would hate to live out of a suitcase like that.
F. Why don't we thumb a lift?
G. It sounds great. I've never been on an allinclusive holiday.
H. Yes, there's a nice B & B around the corner.
I. I know. I prefer to travel light.
J. I experienced similar culture shock when I went to Vietnam.

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