miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

On the road


Complete the sentences with an appropriate word or expression from the box.

cyclists • speed limit • traffic • stop • motorway • junction                           pedestrians • roundabout • pedestrian crossing • one-way • bus lanes       petrol station • traffic lights • bridge • roadworks • car park

1. We need to get some fuel. There's a ________ just up the road.
2. The fastest way of getting from London to Oxford is to take the ________.
3. There's always a lot of ________ on the roads in the morning and evening.
4. The High Street is closed because of ________.
5. Go over the ________, turn left at the first _____, and then take the third exit on the ________.
6. You can't leave your car here. You'll have to use the ________.
7. Many towns have ________ so that people using public transport can get into and out of town more
8. Wait for the ________ to turn green before you continue.
9. The ________ in most towns and cities is 30 miles per hour.
10. Many ________ fail to keep their bicycles in good condition or obey the rules of the road.
11. You can't turn right into that street. It's a ________ street.
12. When you're driving through town, be careful of ________ crossing the street.
13. This road is very busy and dangerous. If you want to get to the other side, use the ________.
14. I need to get a bus into town. Is there a (bus) ________ near here?

Complete the story below with an appropriate word or expression.

crashed • accelerated • indicate • reverse • overtake
smashed • skidded • started up • braked • fasten • swerve
adjust • sounded • check • stalled • release • pulled away

I've just finished my driving test and I think it went quite well. OK, so I made a few mistakes, but nothing too serious. For example, I forgot to 1.______ the mirrors, with the result that I couldn't see anything behind me. Then, when I 2.______ the car, I forgot that I had left it in first gear, so I 3.______. Oh, and I forgot to 4.______ my seatbelt. And 5.______ the handbrake. When I eventually 6.______ from the side of the road, I forgot to 7.______ my mirrors; the driver of the car that almost 8.______ into me as a result 9.______ his horn and shouted something at me, but I didn't hear what. I nearly went through a red light,
but saw it at the last second and tried to stop. Unfortunately, I lost control and my car 10.______ across to the other side of the road - fortunately, the cars coming in the opposite direction managed to 11.______ out of the way. At one point, I 12.______ when I should have 13.______, so instead of stopping, the car just went faster! Fortunately, the police car that I 14.______ into the back of wasn't badly damaged and the policeman driving it didn't shout at me too loudly. At another time I had to 15.______ somebody who was driving a bit slowly, but I forgot to 16.______, so the drivers behind me had no idea what I was going to do. Finally, I managed to 17.______ into a wall which I couldn't see behind me. I don't know if I've passed
yet, because the examiner is still being treated for shock in the local hospital.

The worst driver in the world? Read the following story and decide which of the words and
expressions in bold correspond to the dictionary definitions 1 - 14.

My brother Ted must be the world's worst driver. It started when he was young and used to go for joyrides, causing pile-ups which resulted in traffic jams and gridlocks for other drivers. As a young adult, he was a real boy racer, putting his foot down, driving like the clappers and then jamming on the brakes. I reckon he must have written off at least six of the bangers he used to drive. He's still a real road hog, tailgating other cars and getting involved in road rage incidents. He's offered to give me a lift home tonight, but to be honest, I'd rather thumb a lift. He's picking me up in a few minutes; maybe I'd better have one for the road. At least it's rush hour and the roads will be chock-a-block so he won't be able to drive too fast! Honestly - sometimes he drives me round the bend!

1. To follow very closely behind another vehicle.
2. An old car, usually in poor condition.
3. To hitch-hike, to ask a car driver or a truck driver to take you as a passenger.
4. A person who drives fast and dangerously.
5. To accelerate very quickly.
6. To make someone angry or crazy.
7. A young man who drives fast and dangerously.
8. A trip for pleasure, usually in a stolen car.
9. To stop a vehicle very suddenly.
10. A final drink before leaving a bar or pub.
11. A violent attack by a driver on another car or its driver.
12. To damage a car so badly that it can no longer be repaired.
13. A crash involving a series of vehicles which have smashed into one another.
14. The time of the day when traffic is very bad, trains are crowded, etc.

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