domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Expressions with 'GET'


Look at the expressions in bold in list A and choose a suitable definition for that expression in list B.


1. I think Ben got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
2. We're planning a little get-together of people from the office.
3. The manager began the meeting with a few comments and then got down to brass tacks.
4. Jan and Richard get on like a house on fire.
5. Rory and Jeannie are getting married? Get away with you!
6. You'll get the sack if you talk to the boss like that.
7. That humming noise is really getting on my nerves.
8. He's got a nerve to ask for a day off.
9. I rang the shops to try and find a new dishwasher, but got nowhere.
10. When she asked him for money, he told her to get lost.
11. OK everyone, we're a bit late so let's get going.
12. Got it!
13. Do you think he got my meaning?
14. Get a grip on yourself - you've got an interview in half an hour.
15.The president is having to get to grips with the failing economy.
16. If they don't get their act together, they'll miss the last date for entries to the competition.
17. How can I get him off my back?
18. If I don't get a rise soon, I'll start looking for another job.
19. I've got out of the habit of eating chocolates.
20. Rainy weather always gets me down.

A. to be unsuccessful
B. a meeting of friends
C. to stop pestering someone
D. to understand.
E. to be dismissed from a job.
F. not to do something any more
G. to start to deal with something
H. Go away. Leave me alone.
I. over-confidence or rudeness
J. to start
K. to receive an increase in salary
L. to try to control yourself; to try to be less emotional start discussing the real problem
N. Don't try to make me believe that.
O. to start the day badly
P. to make someone sad
Q. to organise yourself properly
R. to annoy someone
S. I've solved the problem
T. to be very friendly with each other

Complete these sentences with an expression from the previous section. You may need to change the verb form and the pronoun (e.g., he, she) in some of the sentences.

1. We're best friends. We _______________.
2. I don't have much money. I hope I _______________ soon.
3. 12 across. 10 letters beginning with a 'd'. A book which lists words. Aha! _______________! A dictionary, of course!
4. Our boss is in a terrible mood. I think he must have ______________ .
5. I feel really unhappy in my job. It's really _______________ .
6. _______________! I don't believe you've won the lottery!
7. I'm studying Japanese and I'm just beginning to _______________ the grammar.
8. I'm having a little _____________ at my place tonight. Would you like to join us?
9. You want me to lend you my car after you crashed it the last time I lent it to you? You've
10. I was so angry with him I told him to _______________ .
11. We should _______________ and talk about the real problems that are affecting the company.
12. Stop being so emotional. _______________!
13. I told my boss I thought he was incompetent. A few days later, I ___________. I still haven't found another job.
14. You really should _______________ of smoking so much - it's very bad for you.
15. He told me that my music really _______________.
16. We're _______________ with this problem. Let's take a break and come back to it later on.
17. She's always following me around and telling me what to do. I wish she would _________ ______ .
18. The boss told me to _______________ or I would lose my job.
29. I'm not sure they understood me. I hope they _______________ .
20. If we don't _______________ soon, we'll miss the train.

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