domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Confusing pairs and false friends

Confusing pairs are two words which have a similar meaning to each other, but are used in a different way.
or Are related to the same topic, but have a different meaning.
or Look similar, but have a different meaning

False friends are words in English which have a similar-looking word in another language but which have a different meaning.

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word.

1. actually / now
Please can we go home ________ ?
It looks quite small, but ________ it is over 5 metres high.

2. advice / advise
My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of ________ .
I ________ you to put all your money into a deposit account.

3. affect / effect
The cuts in spending will have a serious ________ on the hospital.
The strike will seriously ________ the train service.

4. already / yet
I haven’t seen her ________ this morning.
I’ve ________ done my shopping.

5. afraid of / worried about
I am ________ snakes.
She’s ________ the baby; he doesn’t look very well.

6. avoid / prevent
The police will ________ anyone from leaving the building.
You should travel early to ________ the traffic jams.

7. beside / besides
Come and sit down ________ me.
________ managing the shop, he also teaches in the evening.

8. bring / fetch
It’s your turn to ________ the children from school.
Don’t forget to ________ the books to school with you.

9. chance / possibility
Our team has a good ________ of winning tonight.
There is always the ________ that the plane will be early.

10. channel / canal
You can take a boat trip around the ________s of Amsterdam.
Can you switch the television to ________ 4 for the news?
England and France are separated by the ________ .

11. conduct / direct
Von Karajan will ________ the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra at the concert.
It took two policemen to ________ the traffic.

12. continuous / continual
She has been in ________ pain for three days.
I am getting fed up with her ________ complaints.

13. driver / chauffeur
The ________ brought the Rolls Royce to the hotel’s main entrance.
He’s got a job as a bus ________ .

14. formidable / wonderful
They had a ________ holiday by a lake in Sweden.
The castle is surrounded by ________ walls and gates.

15. fun / funny
I didn’t have much ________ on my birthday.
He made ________ faces and made the children laugh.

16. go / play
Shall we ________ jogging or swimming?
Neither. Let’s ________ tennis.

17. come along with / follow
Would you like to ________ me to the cinema tonight?
Make sure the dog doesn’t ________ me to the shops.

18. harm / damage
Don’t ________ my sunglasses if you borrow them.
He didn’t mean to ________ your little girl.

19. invent / discover
Did Alexander Fleming ________ penicillin?
When did she ________ the new computer terminal?

20. job / work
He goes to ________ every day on his bicycle.
She’s got a ________ in the supermarket.

21. kind / sympathetic
You should always be ________ to little children.
I’m very ________ to her problems.

22. lay / lie
I’m very tired; I’ll just go and ________ down for a few minutes.
My father is going to ________ a new carpet in the dining room.

23. lend / borrow
Can I ________ you car to go to the shops?
He asked me if I would ________ him £5 till Monday.

24. nature / countryside
We must try to protect ________ and the environment.
The English ________ is beautiful in spring.

25. pass / take
She had to ________ her driving test three times before she was able to ________.

26. practice / practise
You need more ________ before you’re ready to take the exam.
Don’t forget to ________ your phrasal verbs.

27. priceless / valueless
Be very careful with that painting; it’s ________ .
Her jewels were all imitations; they were quite ________ .

28. principal / principle
She refuses to eat meat on ________ .
The ________ wants to see you in her office.
The country’s ________ products are paper and wood.
We talked about the ________s of nuclear physics.

29. raise / rise
Does the sun ________ in the east or the west?
The airline are going to ________ their fares again next year.

30. recipe / receipt
Goods cannot be exchanged unless a sales ________ is shown.
I gave her an Indian ________ book for her birthday.

31. remember / remind
Would you ________ me to finish early tonight?
Did you ________ to switch off the kitchen light?

32. scenery / view
I adore the beautiful ________ in the Lake District.
You can get a good ________ of the sea from the church tower.

33. sensible / sensitive
She’s very ________ and is easily upset.
Staying indoors was a ________ thing to do in this terrible weather.

34. take / bring
Can you ________ this cheque to the bank for me please?
Can I ________ my girlfriend here for tea?

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