lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Make or Do?


Look at the sentences below and decide whether they should be completed with the verb make or the verb do. The form of these verbs will need to change in most sentences. Use the words in bold to help you.

1. Has your mother ________ a will yet?

2. She ________ her piano exercises every morning.

3. The storm ________ a lot of damage last night.

4. Who will be ________ the speech at her wedding?

5. We ________ a large profit when we sold our house.

6 There's a lot of work still to be ________ .

7. At the moment he's ________ great efforts to learn Spanish.

8. They ________ a lot of business with European countries.

9. I'm not ________ the washing today.

10. When we got to the hotel, the beds hadn't been ________ .

11. The workmen are ________ so much noise we can't use the telephone.

12. We are ________ good progress towards finishing the house.

13. He didn't mean to ________ any harm.

14. His wife usually ________ all the housework.

15. The milk boiled over and ________ a mess on the stove.

16. I can't ________ today's crossword - it's too hard.

17. Are you going to ________ a Christmas cake again this year?

18. How much money did you ________ last year?

19. It took us hours to ________ the washing up after the party.

20. He ________ an inquiry about trains to Edinburgh.

21. I need to ________ a quick phone call before we leave.

22. Don't ________ such a fuss - it's only a little scratch.

23. She ________ a mistake in typing the address.

24. We ________ friends with some French people on holiday.

25. Our company is small but it's ________ well.

26. She ________ a few notes before her speech.

27. She was ________ the ironing when I came home.

28. Companies often ________ a loss in their first year of operations.


Replace the words and expressions in bold with an expression using make from the following.

make the best of        • make a break with               • made a meal of             • make do with
make time         • made off with                   • make-believe                   • make up my mind

1. The burglar stole all their silver.
2. She forgot her pyjamas and had to use a T-shirt because there was nothing else available.
3. They say it will rain this afternoon so we'd better take advantage of the sunshine while it's here.
4. I can't decide whether to take the afternoon off to do some shopping or stay in the office and work.
5. She spent a lot of unnecessary time and went to a lot of effort repainting the kitchen.
6. His stories about his love affairs are just not true, although he pretends they are.
7. We must arrange to visit the new sports club even though we are short of time.
8. I've tried to forget my last girlfriend, but it's not always easy to move away from the past.


The words in bold are all in the wrong sentences. Decide which sentences they should go in.

1. If the computer doesn't work, hit it - that should do the sights and get it working again.
2. Will you do the turn, John, and pour us all a drink?
3. He never uses violence himself. He just gets other people to do the yourself work for him.
4. He looks a bit unhappy. An evening out would do don'ts to cheer him up.
5. She's very good at painting, decorating and other do-it-trick jobs.
6. You don't have a car? How can you do turn one? You must have a good public transport system in our area.
7. This chicken is cooked perfectly. It's done to a dirty.
8. She told him all the do's and without about working in the office, and helped him to settle in.
9. He did me a good honours by writing a job reference for me, so I helped him in return.
10. When we went to Barcelona, we did all the wonders and took hundreds of photographs.

Human actions


Complete each of the sentences below with the most suitable word from the box. In somecases, more than one answer is possible.

fainted              shivered           fidgeted             sweated              trembled          nodded         dived                  started                     squatted            crouched       doze       stretched              leaned / leant                     dragged            blushed

1. He woke up, stood up and ________ his arms and legs.

2. The suitcase was too heavy to pick up, so she ________ it across the platform.

3. We ________ down to get through the low hole in the wall.

4. She ________ on the floor, trying to get the stains out of the carpet.

5. He ________ in and swam across the pool under water.

6. He ________ out of the car window and was almost hit by another car coming in the opposite direction.

7. She ________ in fear when she saw the lion come towards her.

8. She ________ with cold in the bitter wind.

9. The tennis players ________ in the hot sun.

10. She ________ with embarrassment when he spoke to her.

11. She ________ in surprise when she heard the loud bang.

12. She ________ when she saw the blood, and remained unconscious for about ten minutes.

13. She ________ off for a while after lunch and was suddenly woken up by the telephone ringing.

14. When he asked her if she understood the question, she ________ yes.

15. After an hour, he couldn't sit still any longer and ________ in his seat.


Match the following verbs  with the person who might behave in that way below.




A. A man who has been injured in an accident but is still able to walk to the hospital.
B. People walking in the park on a warm summer evening
C. A girl jumping across a wide stream of water
D. Soldiers on parade
E. Someone who has hurt their foot and must move around on one leg.
F. A young man running home to watch the football on television.
G. Young children running, hopping and jumping along the road.
H. A very young baby who can't walk yet.
I. A teenage daughter arriving home late and walking quietly up the stairs.
J. A boy walking quietly past a sleeping dog
K. A child walking very slowly to school


Choose the correct verb in each of the following sentences.

1. He punched / snapped / grabbed me on the nose.

2. They all punched / slapped / shook him on the back to congratulate him.

3. The nurse pointed / beckoned to / saluted her to come into the room.

4. She rubbed / wiped / stroked the cat as it sat in her lap.

5. He patted / wiped / folded his pocket to make sure his wallet was still there.

6. He snapped / grabbed / flexed his suitcase and ran to the train.

7. It was dark in the cellar and he had to grope / scratch / grab for a light switch.

8. Ordinary soldiers must salute / shake / point their officers

9. They waved / punched / beckoned goodbye as the boat left the harbour.

10. He groped / scratched / stroked his head as he wondered what to do

11. He sat down and tapped / crossed / folded his arms.

12. Here's a handkerchief - wipe / pat / rub your nose.

13. You should always pat / grope / shake the bottle before you open it.

14. A policeman tapped / scratched / stroked him on the shoulder and arrested him.

15. He shook / rubbed / wiped his hands together to get them warm.


Look at the expressions in bold in the following sentences and decide if the definitions which

accompany them are TRUE or FALSE.

1. She made a beeline for the chocolate cakes. / She walked slowly towards the chocolate cakes.

2. Once bitten, twice shy. / Once you have had a bad experience, you will not want to do it again.

3. The telephone's on the blink. / The telephone is ringing.

4. We all gave Brian a pat on the back. / We all congratulated Brian.

5. She looked daggers at me. / She looked at me angrily.

6. He ran like the wind. / He ran very fast.

7. We salute the firemen who entered the burning building to save lives. / We are angry with the firemen.

8. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. / Don't be unkind to people who are less fortunate than you.

9. In the coffee break I went into the garden to stretch my legs. / After sitting down for a long time, I went for a small walk.

10. Bob is not fully stretched. / Bob is not very tall.

11. There was a mad dash to buy the tickets. / Nobody wanted to buy the tickets.

12. Don't worry - I was only pulling your leg. / I was only teasing you.

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Expressions with 'GET'


Look at the expressions in bold in list A and choose a suitable definition for that expression in list B.


1. I think Ben got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
2. We're planning a little get-together of people from the office.
3. The manager began the meeting with a few comments and then got down to brass tacks.
4. Jan and Richard get on like a house on fire.
5. Rory and Jeannie are getting married? Get away with you!
6. You'll get the sack if you talk to the boss like that.
7. That humming noise is really getting on my nerves.
8. He's got a nerve to ask for a day off.
9. I rang the shops to try and find a new dishwasher, but got nowhere.
10. When she asked him for money, he told her to get lost.
11. OK everyone, we're a bit late so let's get going.
12. Got it!
13. Do you think he got my meaning?
14. Get a grip on yourself - you've got an interview in half an hour.
15.The president is having to get to grips with the failing economy.
16. If they don't get their act together, they'll miss the last date for entries to the competition.
17. How can I get him off my back?
18. If I don't get a rise soon, I'll start looking for another job.
19. I've got out of the habit of eating chocolates.
20. Rainy weather always gets me down.

A. to be unsuccessful
B. a meeting of friends
C. to stop pestering someone
D. to understand.
E. to be dismissed from a job.
F. not to do something any more
G. to start to deal with something
H. Go away. Leave me alone.
I. over-confidence or rudeness
J. to start
K. to receive an increase in salary
L. to try to control yourself; to try to be less emotional start discussing the real problem
N. Don't try to make me believe that.
O. to start the day badly
P. to make someone sad
Q. to organise yourself properly
R. to annoy someone
S. I've solved the problem
T. to be very friendly with each other

Complete these sentences with an expression from the previous section. You may need to change the verb form and the pronoun (e.g., he, she) in some of the sentences.

1. We're best friends. We _______________.
2. I don't have much money. I hope I _______________ soon.
3. 12 across. 10 letters beginning with a 'd'. A book which lists words. Aha! _______________! A dictionary, of course!
4. Our boss is in a terrible mood. I think he must have ______________ .
5. I feel really unhappy in my job. It's really _______________ .
6. _______________! I don't believe you've won the lottery!
7. I'm studying Japanese and I'm just beginning to _______________ the grammar.
8. I'm having a little _____________ at my place tonight. Would you like to join us?
9. You want me to lend you my car after you crashed it the last time I lent it to you? You've
10. I was so angry with him I told him to _______________ .
11. We should _______________ and talk about the real problems that are affecting the company.
12. Stop being so emotional. _______________!
13. I told my boss I thought he was incompetent. A few days later, I ___________. I still haven't found another job.
14. You really should _______________ of smoking so much - it's very bad for you.
15. He told me that my music really _______________.
16. We're _______________ with this problem. Let's take a break and come back to it later on.
17. She's always following me around and telling me what to do. I wish she would _________ ______ .
18. The boss told me to _______________ or I would lose my job.
29. I'm not sure they understood me. I hope they _______________ .
20. If we don't _______________ soon, we'll miss the train.

Contrast and comparison

Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.

1. Her political opinions are the _____ mine.
A. same like     B. same to      C. same as

2. The weather in my country is very _____ that in the United Kingdom.
A. similar with     B. similar to     C. similar like

3. My idea of a good night out is very _____ yours.
A. different from   B. different as C. different with

4. The two machines _____ considerably; one has an electric motor, the other runs on oil.

A. differ      B. differentiate       C. differential

5. When he travelled down the east coast of the USA, he became aware of the _____ in weather between the north and south of the country.
A. comparison           B. contrast             C. compare

6. Children must be taught to _____ between right and wrong.
A. differ             B. contrast              C. distinguish

7. Can you tell the _____ between an apple and a pear with your eyes shut?
A. difference            B. differentiate               C. contrast

8. When companies employ people, they must not _____ between people of different sex or race.
A. differ              B. contrast             C. discriminate

9. My sister works extremely hard. _____, my brother is rather lazy.
A. By way of contrast           B. By ways of comparing                C. By similar means

10. My two brothers are almost identical. They are very difficult to _____.
A. tell apart                 B. say apart              C. speak apart

11. They have two things _____; they are both Welsh, and they are both left-handed.
A. in similar              B. in particular               C. in common

12. He's not lazy. _____, he works very hard.
A. By way of contrast              B. On the other hand                C. On the contrary

13. He's very rich and lives in a big house. _____, he doesn't seem very happy.
A. On the other hand              B. On the contrary               C. On the opposite

14. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as
different as _____.
A. cats and dogs               B. chalk and cheese                 C. salt and pepper

15. We share the same language, but in other respects we are _____ from each other.
A. worlds apart              B. miles away                   C. a lifetime away

Confusing pairs and false friends

Confusing pairs are two words which have a similar meaning to each other, but are used in a different way.
or Are related to the same topic, but have a different meaning.
or Look similar, but have a different meaning

False friends are words in English which have a similar-looking word in another language but which have a different meaning.

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word.

1. actually / now
Please can we go home ________ ?
It looks quite small, but ________ it is over 5 metres high.

2. advice / advise
My grandfather gave me a very useful piece of ________ .
I ________ you to put all your money into a deposit account.

3. affect / effect
The cuts in spending will have a serious ________ on the hospital.
The strike will seriously ________ the train service.

4. already / yet
I haven’t seen her ________ this morning.
I’ve ________ done my shopping.

5. afraid of / worried about
I am ________ snakes.
She’s ________ the baby; he doesn’t look very well.

6. avoid / prevent
The police will ________ anyone from leaving the building.
You should travel early to ________ the traffic jams.

7. beside / besides
Come and sit down ________ me.
________ managing the shop, he also teaches in the evening.

8. bring / fetch
It’s your turn to ________ the children from school.
Don’t forget to ________ the books to school with you.

9. chance / possibility
Our team has a good ________ of winning tonight.
There is always the ________ that the plane will be early.

10. channel / canal
You can take a boat trip around the ________s of Amsterdam.
Can you switch the television to ________ 4 for the news?
England and France are separated by the ________ .

11. conduct / direct
Von Karajan will ________ the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra at the concert.
It took two policemen to ________ the traffic.

12. continuous / continual
She has been in ________ pain for three days.
I am getting fed up with her ________ complaints.

13. driver / chauffeur
The ________ brought the Rolls Royce to the hotel’s main entrance.
He’s got a job as a bus ________ .

14. formidable / wonderful
They had a ________ holiday by a lake in Sweden.
The castle is surrounded by ________ walls and gates.

15. fun / funny
I didn’t have much ________ on my birthday.
He made ________ faces and made the children laugh.

16. go / play
Shall we ________ jogging or swimming?
Neither. Let’s ________ tennis.

17. come along with / follow
Would you like to ________ me to the cinema tonight?
Make sure the dog doesn’t ________ me to the shops.

18. harm / damage
Don’t ________ my sunglasses if you borrow them.
He didn’t mean to ________ your little girl.

19. invent / discover
Did Alexander Fleming ________ penicillin?
When did she ________ the new computer terminal?

20. job / work
He goes to ________ every day on his bicycle.
She’s got a ________ in the supermarket.

21. kind / sympathetic
You should always be ________ to little children.
I’m very ________ to her problems.

22. lay / lie
I’m very tired; I’ll just go and ________ down for a few minutes.
My father is going to ________ a new carpet in the dining room.

23. lend / borrow
Can I ________ you car to go to the shops?
He asked me if I would ________ him £5 till Monday.

24. nature / countryside
We must try to protect ________ and the environment.
The English ________ is beautiful in spring.

25. pass / take
She had to ________ her driving test three times before she was able to ________.

26. practice / practise
You need more ________ before you’re ready to take the exam.
Don’t forget to ________ your phrasal verbs.

27. priceless / valueless
Be very careful with that painting; it’s ________ .
Her jewels were all imitations; they were quite ________ .

28. principal / principle
She refuses to eat meat on ________ .
The ________ wants to see you in her office.
The country’s ________ products are paper and wood.
We talked about the ________s of nuclear physics.

29. raise / rise
Does the sun ________ in the east or the west?
The airline are going to ________ their fares again next year.

30. recipe / receipt
Goods cannot be exchanged unless a sales ________ is shown.
I gave her an Indian ________ book for her birthday.

31. remember / remind
Would you ________ me to finish early tonight?
Did you ________ to switch off the kitchen light?

32. scenery / view
I adore the beautiful ________ in the Lake District.
You can get a good ________ of the sea from the church tower.

33. sensible / sensitive
She’s very ________ and is easily upset.
Staying indoors was a ________ thing to do in this terrible weather.

34. take / bring
Can you ________ this cheque to the bank for me please?
Can I ________ my girlfriend here for tea?

Compound nouns

A compound noun is a combination of two words which function as a single noun.
• Some compound nouns can be written as one word. e.g., headache (head + ache).
• Some compound nouns can be joined using a hyphen (-). e.g., half-brother.
• Some compound nouns must be written as two words. e.g., television set.

There are no rules to tell us how a compound noun should be written. We have to learn each one individually.

Task 1. Join one word in group A with one word in group B to make compound nouns. In some cases, more than one combination is possible.

Group A
air • airline • book
fairy • food • football
hair • home • income
moon • parking • police
question • race • shoe
stamp • sun • table
traffic • time • tooth • water

Group B

basin • boots • case
collection • dryer • glasses
laces • light • lights
mark • meter • paste • pilot
poisoning • pollution
relations • station • story
table • tax • tennis • work

Task 2. Use the compound nouns above to complete the following sentences. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.

1. When I was young, my parents used to tell me ________ about witches and giants and other strange creatures.

2. We had to wait for the ________ to turn green before we were able to continue.

3. Don't leave this plant in the shade; it needs lots of ________.

4. In my home city, there is a lot of bad ________ as a result of the large number of cars and industrial factories.

5. ________ in my city are very bad. There are often fights between black and white youths.

6. The more money you earn, the more ________ you have to pay to the government.

7. On my last holiday, I had terrible ________ as a consequence of eating some bad fish.

8. I tripped over my ________ and ended up with a broken arm.

9. Don't forget to put some money in the ________ or the traffic wardens will give you a ticket.

10. When does our train leave? Why don't you check the ________ .

11. I enjoy playing all ball games, but my favourite must be ________.

12. When you write a question, don't forget to put a ________ at the end of the sentence.

13. I enjoy my English lessons, but sometimes our teacher gives us too much ________.

14. I've got a huge ________. I started it when I was six. My favourite comes from an island in the South Pacific.

15. We could see the path in front of us clearly in the ________, although everything else around us was dark.

Compound adjectives

A compound adjective is a combination of two words which function as a single adjective.

The two words are often joined with a hyphen.

Task 1. Join one word in group A with one in group B to make compound adjectives.

Group A

absent- • dark- • eye-

fair- • half- • hand- hard-

• home- run- short-• semi- • sun-

three- • well- • world-

Group B

Burnt • catching • detached
down • eyed • famous •
haired • hearted • made
minded • off • read
sighted skilled • skinned
star • tanned • up

Task 2. Use the compound adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. We stayed in a ________ hotel on the seafront.
2. Everybody has heard of Mel Gibson; he's a ________ actor.
3. After six hours on the beach, he had a terribly ________ face.
4. I can't see very clearly. I'm a bit ________ .
5. It wasn't a particularly ________ tennis racket; it broke soon after I bought it.
6. She was wearing an ________ dress that made heads turn as she walked through the room.
7. All these items are ________ by skilled craftsmen in a local factory.
8. I feel a bit ________. Perhaps I should take more vitamins.
9. My wife comes from a ________ family; they've always had more money than my own family.
10. My grandfather's becoming very ________ . Last week he went to the library in his slippers.
11. To make a bit of money, my sister and I used to sell ________ cakes.
12. He made a ________ attempt to take an interest, but it was obvious he didn't want to be there.
13. My father is a very ________ man. His favourite authors are Orhan Pamuk and Umberto Eco.
14. I live in a rather plain ________ house on the outskirts of Nottingham.
15. There are lots of jobs for ________ workers in the factories in my area.

Adjectives to nouns

A lot of adjectives can be changed to nouns by the addition of a suffix (e.g., brave - bravery, equal - equality,, etc), or by changing other features of the word (e.g., proud - pride, sympathetic - sympathy, etc). Some nouns need a prefix and a suffix, depending on how they are being used (e.g., equal = equality or inequality)

Task 1.
 Look at these sentences, and decide if the nouns in bold are correct or incorrect (the key adjectives are in brackets at the end of each sentence). Look at the meaning of the whole sentence before you decide, and don't forget to check the spelling.

1. I'm not sure you're old enough to be given such a responsibility. (responsible)

2. Although there are several differents between British and American English, there are also
many similarity. (different / similar)

3. It was a terrible lesson, the hotness in the room was unbearable, we were almost falling
asleep with boredom, and our stomachs were rumbling with hungryness. (hot / bored /

4. I asked her if she was telling the trueth. (true)

5. The check-in staff said that the flight was late and apologised for the convenience,
although they didn't show much sympathetically. (convenient / sympathetic)

6. They almost died of thirstiness before they were rescued. (thirsty)

7. Your calculations are wrong; there are several accuracies. (accurate)

8. We had to measure the length, the wideth and the deepth of the swimming pool, and then
measure the hight of the diving board. (long / wide / deep / high)

9. She experienced a lot of happyness and lonelyness in her lifetime; her parents died when
she was still in her youth, her first husband left her, and her only child ran away from
home. (happy / lonely / young)

10. He lacked confidence in his ableness, and seemed unaware of his own intelligence.
(confident / able / intelligent)

11. There's a strong probableness, perhaps even a certainty, that he's going to get a grade A
in the exam. (probable / certain)

Task 2. Here are some more adjectives which can be made into nouns. How many can you change?

pessimistic • patient • mature • optimistic • honest • brave
accurate • selfish • possible • inferior • violent • stupid
foolish • anxious • reliable • loyal • popular • warm
necessary • safe • realistic • ill • proud • superior • strong